IQRF Conference 2016 online
25 May 2016
Vladimír Šulc, CEO of Microrisc, presented his vision of the future of the IQRF platform and introduced the Place, where even unexperienced user can control his wireless devices from web browser, smartphone or tablet.
Jindřich Fremuth from O2 Czech Republic, introduced a vision of smart homes. O2 has invited other members of the IQRF Alliance to collaborate in the area of smart homes.
Václav Provazník from O2 IT Services impressed the audience with his vision of Smart Cities which are using the IQRF technology.
Adam Skotnikcý, CEO of tcp cloud, described the importance of measuring the level of CO2 and talked about the success of the IQRF based Smart City at OpenStack Summit in Austin which was held in March.
Petr Ulvr and Maciej Talalaj from Intel and AAEON Technology presented their solutions on the field of IoT using the IQRF technology. Moreover, Rostislav Špinar from Microrisc added some information about how simply can be the IQRF data transceiver connected via USB to the existing devices based on the Intel processors.
Martin Šimeček from Microsoft is on the stage and is presenting how easily you can use Microsoft's Azure platform and the IQRF technology together for managing, collecting and visualizing data from IQRF gateways.
Jaroslav Straka and Petr Leština, IBM, prepared real show for us! Drone attached with various sensors appeared on the scene. Data were visualized in real time in the cloud using the IQRF. The IQRF cooperating with IBM Bluemix. Platform that is known by many developers thanks to high quality SDK.
Zoltan Gyarmati, co-owner of EPS Global, shows us huge progress in their work especially in China. Presentation is about IQRF in practice which is very interesting.
Jaromír Klaban from TECO introduced Foxtrot - node of SmartHouse, SmartCity and SmartGrid.
Inteliments had presentation about InteliGlue new data platform for Internet of Things.
Dr. Jozsef Kopják from IQ Home presented practical use of the IQRF technology to control devices wirelessly from your smartphone and other devices.
Miloš Žáček, CEO of Protronix - manufacturer of CO2 sensors, is talking about about smart houses, smart bouldings and we need to control them using wireless access from many devices.
Štefan Kormaňák from Datmolux introduced the company and their solutions on the field of industry and street lighting.
Harald Weidinger from Microchip, is talking about implementation of the IQRF technology to their portfolio. Microchip is excited about the IQRF technology and its simple implementation and reliability.
Tomaž Hribar, CEO of alarm2GSM, had a very interesting presentation. He introduced some new products based on the IQRF technology. Mr. Hribar also prepared really exciting case study about "foaling alarm". When mare starts to foal, IQRF datatransceiver will notify the farmer so he knows when it comes.
Jiří Šmídek, Sales Manager of H TEST, described the journey of H TEST to the join to the IQRF Alliance. Mr. Šmídek also introduced the company and the advantages it brings to the company being the member of the IQRF Alliance.
Milan Šimek, CEO of Sewio, company which is developing location systems in automotive manufacturing powered by the IQRF. Mr. Šimek explained the audience the difference between the widths of WiFi connection and the IQRF and said why the IQRF is better for location systems.
Michal Růžička, Main Software Developer of Aledo, presented interesting information about Aledo's goal and its developed products and systems. Company is developing and manufacturing on the field of lights and localization.
David Deak, co-founder of ISM Enigma, astonished the audience by his presentation about energy harvesting. Mr. Deak introduced some products that can be easily attached to the IQRF based devices to get battery independence.
That was the last presentation of the first day of the IQRF Conference 2016. We will continue tomorrow. Now, the participants are discussing all the interesting things they have heard during the day and then they will continue their networking on the boat trip through the heart of Prague.
All photos from the IQRF Conference 2016