Worldwide contest IQRF Wireless Challenge is supported by new partners
The IQRF Alliance announced a worldwide contest IQRF Wireless Challenge III in the best new wireless applications. The contest closes on 21st May 2017 and the final competition of the best projects will be held at the IQRF Summit 2017, Prague in June 2017. The contest just joined new partners ranking among the most renowned technical companies.
New case study about remote network management
Active remote management of the IQRF network is possible thanks to using a client software from RehiveTech. The software is installed on a Linux gateway and allows not only monitoring the network but also its management.
Registration for the IQRF Summit 2017 is running
A two-day conference for users, developers, manufacturers and system integrators of IQRF Ecosystem. Demonstrations of real solutions and products in the field of Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Homes, industry, safety and transport based on the IQRF wireless technology. Presentations and workshops of partners as Microsoft, O2, AAEON, MICRORISC, Protronix, Aledo, NETIO products, IQ Home, CITIQ, DATmoLUX.
University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings joined the IQRF Alliance
The Smart School program of the IQRF Alliance has a new member from a university area. UCEEB will definitely bring new innovative views into the Smart School program and even to the IQRF Alliance.
IQRF Alliance at AAEON’s stand - Embedded World 2017
IQRF Alliance will attend an Embedded World 2017 in cooperation with its member AAEON Europe. AAEON is one of the leading designers and manufacturers of advanced industrial and embedded computing platforms. Being established in 1992, the company has many experience in IT business.
Rehivetech joined the IQRF Alliance
RehiveTech, young Czech spin-off company with roots on Brno University of Technology, joined the IQRF Alliance. The great merit of entering the alliance has participation on the IQRF Alliance Meeting 2017 in Microsoft HQ in Prague, on the beginning of January.
FEI of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava joined the IQRF Alliance
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava as one of the oldest technical faculties in Slovakia joined the IQRF Alliance Smart School program.
IQRF Alliance at Intelligent buildings 2017 conference
Šimon Chudoba will introduce real projects, use of the IQRF wireless technology for data collection and intelligent building management. Part of the presentation will also be operational, economic and technical advantages you get, if you decide to use the IQRF technology.
New platinum partner of IQRF Summit 2017
New platinum partner of IQRF Summit 2017
AAEON Europe, member of the IQRF Alliance, has registered for the IQRF Summit 2017 which is going to be held in Prague, June 7th to 8th. AAEON is cooperating very closely with the IQRF Alliance even before it joined the alliance, so its participation on that event is next step in this strong partnership.
ALEDO joined the IQRF Alliance
New member of the IQRF Alliance is a Czech company ALEDO which decided to join after participating on the IQRF Alliance Meeting in Microsoft HQ in Prague. We are pleased that this event helped to make a final decision which is definitely worth it because IQRF Alliance brings its members many benefits such as cost reduction and market share growth.
IQRF Alliance Meeting in Microsoft HQ
The IQRF Alliance organized an event called IQRF Alliance Meeting for its members and cooperating companies in the Microsoft headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic from January 11th to 12th. The event was held for two days focusing on general information and news about the IQRF wireless technology on the first day and technical keynotes with live demonstrations on the second day.
BeeeOn project of a new IQRF Alliance member - BUT Faculty of Information Technology
We would like to announce that the Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology has joined the IQRF Alliance Smart School program. The IQRF technology is favourite topic of students’ thesis and also the faculty is working on a BeeeOn project involving the IQRF technology.