IBM Cloud
The home of 170+ unique services to start building immediately your IoT solution with Analytics, AI Watson, Machine Learning, API management, and others.
Company info:
Name: IBM Česká republika spol. s r.o.
Street: V Parku 2294/4, The Park
City: Prague 4 - Chodov
Country: Czech Republic
Info about product
Category: software
Status: Available
Manufacturer Name: IBM Česká republika spol. s r.o.
Manuf. Location: Czech Republic
Developer, Start-up or Company? We help you to get started.
Develop worry-free and at no cost with a cap based Lite plan services for as long as you like. Get started Developing your solution with the Internet of Things Platform on IBM Cloud and UP-IQRF IoT Starter Kit with 70 Euro discount.
- Includes up to 500 registered devices, and a maximum of 200 MB of each data metric
- Maximum of 500 registered devices
- Maximum of 500 application bindings
- Maximum of 200 MB of each of data exchanged, data analyzed and edge data analyzed
Sign up here
Tutorials, information:
How to get started with IoT platform on IBM Cloud
IQRF IoT Starter Kit - Connect to the IBM Cloud
Learn how to develop your cool IoT project
Start-ups will gain access to IBM technologies such as Cloud, IoT, AI Watson, Blockchain, etc. Membership allows start-ups to earn credit worth up to $ 120,000 that can be used for 1 year at mentioned technologies and buy UP-IQRF IoT Starter Kit with 70 Euro discount.
+420 2 7213 1111
Product website:
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