IQRF technology for safe and reliable communication
06 April 2021
Source: IQRF DALI bridge @TME website
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is a protocol that enables the communication between the luminaires and the central unit. The DALI standard was established in the late 1990s, as a digital successor to the 1-10V analog system. It is a result of cooperation with top brands such as Philips, Helvar, Osram, or Tridonic. The system has an open architecture, which means that adding new devices, like sensors, luminaires, lighting panels is not a problem. DALI central unit can control up to 64 devices within one line. Each of these devices can be assigned to 16 separate groups and 16 separate scenes. In addition to the basic commands such as on/off, dimming/brightening, it is also possible to obtain status information from the electrical ballast.
Read more at TME website.