Teachers from WirelessUP! project got one-week training of IQRF
02 July 2018
Project partners are: Elektrotehnička škola Zagreb (HR), Obrtničko učilište (HR), ŠC Krško-Sevnica (SI), Berufsschule N1 (DE), Smíchovská SPŠ (CZ) and AKÜ - Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Bolvadin Vocational School (TR). The goal of the project is to implement wireless communication between sensorial technologies within existing VET curricula for smart and sustainable housing and industry.
All teachers got an IQRF Basics Instructor certificate so they are allowed to certify their students for this technology.
We are pleased we could help them understand IQRF basics and we are looking forward to a new curriculum with IQRF wireless technology.