Opole University of Technology joined the IQRF Alliance
05 January 2018
The Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science, the faculty began its activity in 1966, when thanks to a broad social initiative, on 1 June, the Higher Engineering School was established. The faculty seeks to provide an optimum environment for research and scholarly efforts of academic staff members and students in the fields of electrical, electronic, control and computer engineering. The Department offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate study opportunities
Today, the faculty employs over 100 research and teaching staff and is visited by thousands of students. Furthermore, the faculty cooperates with other technical universities. One of them is VŠB TUO in Ostrava, another member of the IQRF Alliance.
The faculty performs a development in various research areas thanks to its institutes: Institute of Control and Computer Engineering develops models, methods, and algorithms for design of complex structure control systems, Institute of Electromechanical Systems and Industrial Electronics works on mathematical modelling of electromagnetic fields in 2D and 4D spaces with application to optimisation of new constructions of permanent magnet disk motors and direct current servomotors with electronic commutation as well as for induction machines and transformers, Institute of Electric Power Engineering handle diagnostics of high-voltage insulation systems in electric power devices and systems etc and Institute of Power Stations and Measuring Systems performs mathematical modelling and simulation of power engieering processes.
Furthermore, the IQRF wireless technology could be used in some laboratory facilities such as laboratories of control theory, electrical and electronic metrology, simulation of the electromagnetic field, servomechanisms, diagnostics of transformer insulation and much more.
Not only the university has huge benefits being the member of the IQRF Alliance but also students have the opportunity to be certified in the IQRF knowledge which helps them to acquire desired job.