IQRF Alliance Meetup in Prague
11 December 2017
Your positive feedback on the last Meetup made the IQRF Alliance to prepare another Meetup, now in Prague. Once again the meetup is aimed at Czech and Slovak members of the IQRF Alliance and IQRF technology enthusiasts.
The program will be very similar to the first meetup. During a networking dinner, guests will present their progress with devices based on the IQRF wireless technology, learn the latest news around the IQRF and have an opportunity to network with other members or IQRF enthusiasts.
Moreover, the main topic will be the IQRF Summit 2018. The participants will get detailed information on the IQRF Summit 2018 and tips how to prepare their presentations.
Where: Potrefená Husa (Resslova 1, Praha)
When: 1. 2. 2018, 16:00 - 22:00
Accommodation: IQRF Alliance Team will stay at Caesar Prague Hotel