Bidirectional remote controller - RC4-01
Universal user programmable wireless controller
Company info:
Name: IQRF Tech s.r.o.
Street: Prumyslova 1275
City: Jicin
Country: Czech Republic
Info about product
Product ID: RC4-01
Category: end devices
Status: Available
Manufacturer Name: IQRF Tech
Product Version: 1.01
Power Supply: Lithium coin cell battery CR2450 (550 mAh) inside
Manuf. Location: Czech Republic
RC4-01 is a universal user-programmable remote controller for IQRF
platform. It is a generic device. Thus, the hardware is fixed and the user-specific functionality is achieved by the software developed by a user's
application engineer. The code can be uploaded wirelessly.
Key features
- Universal user programmable wireless controller
- RC-04D-7 successor, SW compatible
- Much higher performance, reliability and security
- in contrast to unidirectional systems
- TR-76DA inside, compatible with TR-7xD transceiver series
- 4 pushbuttons
- 2 LEDs (visible through one peephole)
- In system programmable via RF (wireless upload RFPGM).
- Wired upload also possible.
- Ultra low power consumption
- RF band: 868 MHz or 916 MHz, multiple channels
- Remote controller for arbitrary use
- Internet of Things
Power supply
RC4-01 is supplied from the 3 V, 550 mAh lithium non-rechargeable coin 24.5 mm x 5 mm battery CR-2450. It is possible to use even a battery with higher capacity, e.g. 620 mAh. Exchanging is possible after unscrewing the rear cover. The polarity must correspond to the silkscreen marking at the bottom PCB side. RC4-01 is protected against damage due to the wrong polarity.
The power supply cannot be switched off at all (unless removing the battery), the TR sleep mode should be used instead of this. See chapter Sleep mode below.
The functionality of all four pushbuttons S1 to S4 is fully under control of the application software.
All pushbuttons are active at log. high level. To provide log. low level in the inactive state, the pushbutton pins have on-board
pull-down resistors.
The pushbuttons have no hardware protection against contact bouncing when pressed and released. The protection should
be ensured in software.
User Guide Rc4 01 180629.pdf (PDF, 701.22 kB)
Product website:
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