There was a need for reliable and cost-effective remote lighting solution for city part at Israel. Comexys, a member of the IQRF Alliance offered a solution based on the IQRF wireless technology. This lighting system works in a MESH network where every light spot communicates with all adjacent lights.
Comexys solution for Complex lighting systems enables cost-effective and reliable synchronization between various IoT devices and sensors. The solution brings remote control management system, enabling control of related assets such as street lighting, CCTV, utility meters, traffic lights, parking sensors, transportation and waste disposal, all based on real-time RF communication in a mesh network.
Comexys LTD is an innovative company dedicated to R&D, production and sales of advanced solutions responding to Smart & Safe City requirements. Comexys has installed over 5 000 CCTV systems and over 20 000 street lighting controllers. There are over 10 countries worldwide where Comexys provide services.