Futurebuild 2020
FROM: 03 March 2020 TO: 05 March 2020
When: March 3rd - 5th, 2020
Where: ExCel, London
WWW: futurebuild.co.uk
Futurebuild 2020 is an event where brands of all sizes can share innovations, from products to processes and solutions, with over 27 000 industry influencers. The main purpose is to drive real change in the area of building automation. It brings the most important people in the industry together.
The event will also be attended by the IQRF Alliance, which will bring its live demo boards to the site, presenting a vast IQRF Ecosystem consisting of members' devices and services.
Visit us at booth nr. C15 and get your hands on the demos and the IQRF transceivers as well.